Well, panic hit the girls and I last night when Mike said to us "Is Idol over?" The three of us looked at each other and started naming other shows we watch, panicing to come up with one that wasn't already done with the season finale...Of course Mike was standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. We must have looked defeated as we blurted out names of TV shows...
What now, well, got a sick cat that needs some extra care and an upcoming soccer tournament that will keep all of us busy, but come Monday, who knows.... Hopefully the cat will be better and the girls tired from soccer tournament. But then what ? I can think of a million things to do, maybe not all fun, but things to keep from getting bored. We'll have to see how the girls respond, but I think in time, it will be just fine.
Myself, I've got about 6 books started in the last year that I haven't had time to finish. Now I just got to find where I placed them ?! I also have this cross stitch project I started about 20 years ago that I was going to give Mike for his 30th birthday and maybe if I.....oh, I may have to pay someone to finish that one.....
I'm looking forward to this.....
P.S. Moved the chair in the family room infront of the TV.....cats like the new location....it's the small changes that count too..
Fred Couples: The Presidents Cup Captain’s Blog
11 years ago
Now let's wait a cotton-picking minute. My 30th birthday was NOT 20 years ago! And, YES! I AM still waiting on it.