Soccer Tryouts
For those that don't know us, we are a soccer family. Last week was tryouts, and this weekend was the annual madness that I like to call "The Cirque du Insanity" (sponsored by Verizon Wireless, no doubt). I have to imagine that at about 8am on this Saturday morning, the phone and text message networks are nearly brought to their knees by young soccer hopefuls and their crazy-ass parents trying to figure out who got offered what, who didn't get offered, who accepted, who declined, and who got offered, and declined, but should have accepted -- in short, who will play on our teams next year. Lest you think I'm criticizing, I am (sadly) one of the crazy-ass parents. And again, lest you think I'm criticizing, although the whole drama-filled process is horrible and no doubt scars all those involved for life, I cannot think of a way to improve it.
So what's fun about that? Nothing. I just had to get that off my chest.
Columbus Arts Festival
After the circus ended, the family took a leisurely, top-down drive down to the Columbus Arts Festival. Funny, apparently its been a few years since we've visited this annual favorite because we couldn't find it. The last time we were there, no doubt hauling wagons and umbrella strollers (yeah, it's been that long), it was down by the river. Well, apparently it was moved down to E. Broad Street. After meandering around the downtown area, Shortie spotted a big "A", and we found it. That girl has always had eagle eyes.
Here's my photojournal. For all you photogs out there -- the equipment I was using was my Blackberry Storm phone. No doubt, you're envious of my photography skill and creative use of lighting (the sun) and filters (over-priced festival draft beer).
The girls enjoyed some music and festival food...

There were people there..

There was a band stage, but even more fun were the sidewalk performers...

And, we also saw a BMW Z4 that was being raffled. I've seen more than my share of great looking BMW cars (shameless plug), but this one was really sharp. Right when I was snapping the shot, a young lady step into the shot and partially obscured the car, but it's still a great shot...

AAAAhhhhh... Art. You just can't find the words sometimes.
I didn't see the car but I understand the prevailing wage calculaiton